Hemoglobin and Oxygen transport

  1. Oxygen is transported by hemoglobin %98,5 and is dissolved in plasma %1.5
  2. At lower partial pressure, the hemoglobin resease oxygen.
  3. a shift of curve to the left because of an increase in pH, a decrease in carbon dioxide, or a decrease in temperature results in an increase in the ability of hemoglobin to hold oxygen.
  4. 0.3 ml O2 is found in 100 ml blood, otherwise 19.6 ml o2 is fund bound form in 100 ml blood.
  5. The binding of oxygen to the hemoglobin is determined by factors; po2 in alveolar air.
  6. Dissociation curve of oxygen is hyperboblic
  7. Increasing partial poressure in alveolar air increase the saturation of hemoglobin molecule with oxygen.
  8. As the po2 is 40 mmhg saturation still is 70%
  9. Oxygen-hemoglobin is almost completely saturated when PO2 is 80 mm Hg or above
  10. 1 gr hemoglobin can bind with 1.34 ml oxygen
  11. ıf the 1 ml blood include 15 gr hemoglobin, total bound oxygen easily calculated so that it is about 19.6 ml.
  12. The hemoglobin has a high percent saturation in arterial blood and lower percent saturation in venous blood.
  13. The effect of pH on the oxygen binding to the hemoglobin
  14. Lower pH increase dissociation of oxygen from hemoglobin
  15. Bohr effects shift the dissociation curve to left
  16. The effect of temperature on the dissociation of oxygen from hemoglobin. 

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